
If you’d like to get a quote or to discuss commissioning an illustration from me, email  info@leithillustration.com

Welcome to Leith Illustration

Leith (they/he) is an illustrator, writer and dog parent, living and working in Norwich, UK, surrounded by house plants and half-drunk cups of forgotten tea.

Leith Illustration encompasses my passion for creating narrative-inspired illustrations for fantasy, sci-fi and young adult fiction. With a background in design and a love of graphic novels, I like to play with the relationship between text and image and to explore themes from fairytales and folklore in my work, both digitally and using traditional methods.

I have worked as an Illustrator and Graphic Designer since graduating from Bath School of Art and Design in 2013 with a BA(hons) in Graphic Communications. As a freelance creative, over the last ten years I have made logos, posters, theatre sets, book layouts, comics and murals for a variety of different organisations, both nationally and internationally, as well as exhibiting my personal artwork in galleries and open studio events across Norfolk and Suffolk.

At present, while tucked under a pile of blankets (regardless of the season, I am always cold) I am writing and illustrating my own graphic novel. Set in a magical forest, it explores ideas of identity, relationships and the environment, with a dark fairytale twist.

I am always looking for fun new commissions, driven by a sense of narrative. If you have a project you’d like to talk about, please contact me.